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  • manning37

Eat Organic, Live Better

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

The Ocean. Vast. Gentle. Pure.


I grew up surfing with my Dad, we'd hit the shoreline a little after 5:00 AM and we'd stay out until just before sunrise when the wind picked up. We'd then hop back in our Volkswagen bus, drive to the local health food store to pick up breakfast, then go to a lookout near a dormant volcano and watch the sunrise. These are my most cherished memories, and looking back I wish I had placed more importance in these moments.

One fateful day my father was exposed to a highly toxic chemical. Some nights I feared for his life, his activity decreased, and our trips to the beach became less frequent. It was only after multiple trips to various professionals that his condition improved, but the damage never really went away, because of this my Dad's health had become hypersensitive.

He'd feel sick after we ate out, pollutants in the ocean left him feeling itchy, smoke from New Years & the Fourth of July would send him into coughing fits. His body, still recovering, simply couldn't process the bad out fast enough. Quickly, we learned what he could eat and what he couldn't. Processed foods. Synthetic sweeteners. Pesticides. Dyes. GMOs. The whole nine yards.

If it wasn't Organic, my dad had trouble eating it without falling ill. It was amazing to the rest of the family to discover that we ate these things on a daily basis, and we were chronically poisoning ourselves. When you weaken the bodies ability to process and digest food, you quickly discover what benefits your body and what doesn't.

The simple takeaway is that if you want to live better, you need to eat organic. Our bodies like everything else are susceptible to wear and tear. You leave your lights on 24/7 and eventually the bulb burns out. You turn your lights off/on as you need them, and your bulbs last way longer.

We make great efforts to care for our material goods, but often neglect our own selves. I've always subscribed to the ideology of buy once, cry once. Why not apply this to your body? Take the extra time and effort to eat organic and live better now and avoid the inevitable consequences later. That's why we at Blue Ocean Health are committed to bringing you the highest quality full spectrum CBD. Devoid of any additives or synthetics, pure from nature.

You can't put a price on healthy living, but we make it as low as possible.

Welcome to Blue Ocean Health.

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